




地  址:山东省德州市经济手艺开发区东方红东路6000号
营  销:0534-2623181 0534-2623132 

传  真:0534-2623130


页面版权所有? 华人娱乐App官网版下载 鲁ICP备11020437号 互联网药品信息效劳资格证书编号:(鲁)非谋划性-2015-0056 网站建设:中企动力济南



       华人娱乐App官网版下载前身为山东省德州制药厂,始建于1971年,是集研发、生产、销售于一体的综合性现代化制药企业 。

       公司于2012年整体搬家至德州市经济手艺开发区,按新版GMP要求建设华人娱乐App官网版下载新区,新区占地面积200亩,建有质料药到制剂的完整装备设施,拥有一支专业化的研发、生产、销售步队 。

       公司坚持走专、精、特、新型企业生长之路 。专:专注心脑血管、抗肿瘤药物生长偏向,精:精于缓控释制剂手艺和冻干制剂手艺,特:要么第一,要么唯一,做天下销量第一、天下唯一的独家产品,新:立异生长,高质量生长 。聚焦谋划心脑血管药、抗肿瘤药、大品种药物,三大事业部形成三足鼎峙之势,销售网络遍布天下 。

  公司拥有雄厚的科技立异能力,是国家高新手艺企业、国家新药研发大平台树模企业、省级企业手艺中心、药物渗透泵工程研究中心、博士后立异实践基地,德州医药工业同盟龙头企业,德州市重点生长的“护航”企业,一连多年荣获纳税功勋企业 。    



       公司坚持三个善待:“善待社会、善待员工、善待股东”,提高企业运行质量,推行社会责任,一连多年被评为德州市乃岚先进企业 。董事长卞建钢中选为山东省人大代表、享受国务院特殊津贴 。

       公司承继“以德制药,药济民生”的谋划理念,起劲实现转型升级,高质量生长,成为政府认可、社会推许、公众赞许的优异制药企业,担负起人类治愈疾病、减轻痛苦,提高生涯质量的使命 。争做行业百强,建设百年华人娱乐App官网版下载!

Dezhou Deyao Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., former Dezhou Pharmaceutical

Factory in Shandong Province, was founded in 1971. It is a comprehensive

modern pharmaceutical enterprise integrating research, production and sales.

In 2012, the company relo cated to Dezhou Economic and Technological

Development Zone. According to the requirements of the new version of GMP,

the new factory covering an area of 200 mu was built. It has complete equipment and facilities from API to preparations, and a specialized R&D, production

and sales team.


The company adheres to the direction of specialized, refined, particular and

innovative enterprise development. Specialty: focus on the development

direction of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular drugs and anti-tumor drugs.

 Refining: specialize in the sustained and controlled release preparation

technology and freeze-drying preparation technology. Particular: either the first,

or the unique, to be the first in the national sales volume and the only exclusive

product in the country. Innovation: innovative and high-quality development.


Focusing on the management of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular drugs, anti-tumor drugs, large market volume drugs, the three business

divisions have formed a three-in-one trend and sales network proliferates the country. 

The company has strong scientific and technological innovation ability, is the National High-Technology Enterprise, National New Medicine

Research Platform Demonstration Enterprises, Provincial Enterprise Technology Center, Drug Osmotic Pump Engineering Research Center,

Postdoctoral Innovation Practice Base, Dezhou medicine industry leading enterprises alliance, Dezhou key "escort" for the development of

enterprises, and has won the Tax-Paying Meritorious Enterprise for multiple consecutive years.


The company insists on three kinds of treatment: "Treat the society well, treat the employees well and treat the shareholders well". It strives to 

improve the operation quality of the enterprise, fulfill the social responsibility , and has been awarded as the Tax-Paying Advanced Enterprise of

Dezhou for multiple consecutive years. Bian Jiangang, chairman of the board with a special allowance from the state council, was elected as a

deputy to the Shandong Provincial People's Congress.


Adhering to the business philosophy of " Make good medicine by our conscience, Improve people's health by our medicine", the company strives

to achieve transformation and upgrading and high-quality development. It has become an excellent pharmaceutical enterprise recognized by the

government, respected by the society and praised by the public. We must undertake the mission of curing diseases, alleviating suffering and

improving the quality of life. The company will undertake the mission of curing diseases, alleviating suffering and improving the quality of life and

strive to become one of the top 100 enterprises in the pharmaceutical industry, make the century dream of  Deyao come true.

